Welcome to the Supervision program with Tamar Brosh

We are very happy to have you with us!

May we grow together and learn from each other every month!

You will receive an email from us shortly. In it you will find all the information about the upcoming supervision date.

After the live evenings, the recordings will always be uploaded to our online campus, ActiveSpirits.

If you don’t have an account there yet, you will also receive an email with the access data for the ActiveSpirits campus.

If you don’t find this email directly, have a quick look in your spam folder.

Here is your link to the Online Campus:

See you very soon!




If you need any help, please feel free to contact us at carlos@activespirits.net.

You will see the charge from Digistore24.

Where should we send the free report to?

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Wo sollen wir Dir die Challenge-Lektionen hinsenden?

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Wo sollen wir dir die Challenge-Lektionen hinsenden?

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