Here we’ve tried to answer the most popularly asked questions.

If you have any other question that we’ve missed, you are more than welcome to contact us.

1. How is the Expansion process different from all other methods out there?

a. The principle of expansion is derived from solid grounds of theoretical and philosophical knowledge. It extends a comprehensive view of the human mind and consciousness, which is inspired by Yogic traditions and Western philosophy and psychology. Teachings of the psychology of chakras, the power psychology and the subtle anatomies serve as a source of great insight both for personal instructors and group leaders.

b.  It is based not on one technique, but rather on a great variety of techniques, each suiting a different need of your psyche.

c. One of its core principles is the creation of genuine self-authority. The truth is revealed through your own expanded state, and thus you can give yourself the answers to any of your concerns. Our role is only to provide you with the ideal platform for self-liberation.

​d. The expansion process includes integrating sublime insights into your daily life, and that is why our clients see substantial and actual change in their life from moment to moment.

​e. The method can respond to your specific interests: from therapy to spiritual development, self-empowerment, creativity and decision-making.

​f. The method seems to increase qualities such as meditative ability, clarity and creativity.

2. Could you describe the process in a trauma release session?

The session lasts about two hours. It begins with a conversation that usually takes half an hour. From this dialogue, Tamar guides you through the process. You will be asked to close your eyes while seated, and then you will be guided into the process (which does not include touch or ‘healing’). After the session you will receive a transcription of everything you said, along with some recommended practices to do until your next meeting. Mostly, sessions are held every two weeks, although if there’s a clear need, it’s also possible to have a weekly meeting. The therapeutic process lasts about three months – though most clients extend it beyond the urgent therapeutic need precisely because of its effectiveness. This procedure is also available on Skype and has actually proved to be just as successful.

3. I am highly experienced in meditation. Does your method suit only beginners or can it also serve the experienced?

Experienced meditators, once they try out the expansion process, are frequently surprised to find that they were able to tap into new, far-reaching meditative states. For this reason, any workshop could empower both experienced and inexperienced people. Many people who have had nothing to do with therapeutic or spiritual fields can use it too, since the method is designed to adjust to the current needs of any practitioner. We have a wide range of audiences, inclinations and even ages (from young children to the very old!).

4. What sources does this method lean upon?

Shai Tubali, the developer of this method, is an academic researcher with an accumulated twenty-one years of experience. He has published many books in the Hebrew language, English and German – all deal with psycho-spiritual transformation. He was acknowledged by the yogic ‘Nityananda’ tradition for his ‘liberated state.’ As a part of his ceaseless research, he strove to create a method that applied spiritual wisdom and experience to psychological liberation, and he also strove to provide everyone with the ability to experience sublime enlightened states. He has gained an extensive knowledge of the chakras and the Kundalini energy.

5. How long does it take to see results from the expansion process?

This method is designed for accelerated therapeutic processes, since it operates from a higher state of consciousness. However, we do not believe in magic therapies that dissolve all our problems at once. The human being is a complex phenomenon. Hence, we are distinguished by methods of transformation, not by any promise of no-time resolve. We typically recommend ten to twelve sessions in order to reach profound insight and change, but sometimes it might take more. Though we have had great success in helping mental, emotional and psychosomatic problems, we do not pretend to heal any health problems or to replace medical care.

6. I've learned so many methods but haven't practiced them because I don't have self-discipline. How long does it take to practice the expansion process in order to feel something?

As with any practice, the more persistently you follow it, the deeper the change is. However, just to feel something you’ll need much less. People who come to a one-time workshop or to one session every two weeks have reported significant changes in their emotional and functional levels as well as in their general relationships. Oftentimes a one-time session has a deeper influence that goes beyond its two-hour duration since it penetrates the person’s subtle being and keeps on working from there. Having problems with self-discipline can be turned into a therapeutic subject within the expansion process. People have seen results in this area.

7. Could I have a taste of expansion, so I'll know whether or not it suits me?

You can get a hint of it through the website’s videos, which show some edited demonstrations. You can also get the book and try the techniques at home, whether alone or with a partner. Additionally, if you register to our newsletter, you’ll get a video demonstration and the most basic work sheet for expansion. That being said, our recommendation is to experience it directly through a private session, an introduction day or a weekend workshop. Being responsibly guided into the process, you will have a much better chance at tasting the great potential of the method. Having tasted that, you will most definitely know if this process is what you yearned for.

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