The Expansion
Discover and learn a powerful and effective tool to release and transform traumas
The Expansion Method
– Trauma Release Certification Training
Discover and learn a powerful and effective tool to release and transform traumas
You are interested in healing limiting patterns and painful memories; you are interested in developing yourself and succeeding in your life. You also like to meditate and wish to deepen your meditation. And you believe that in order to live a fulfilling and happy life you need to face your inner challenges and breakthrough anything that holds you back and limits you.
On your path of self-development, you might have experienced some of the following:
- Do you feel that no matter how deep your meditation and spiritual experiences are, you always fall back to your old pattern and don’t really change?
- Do you get overwhelmed with emotions and feel stuck and helpless and don’t know how to deal with it?
- Do you sometimes feel burdened by your past and cannot break free and be completely in the here and now?
- Do you try to meditate but fail to go deep due to over thinking?
- Did you already try different approaches but didn’t experience the breakthrough you were seeking?

Imagine how would it feel …
Imagine how would it feel to wake up one morning and feel completely free and happy. This can become your reality. Healing traumas quickly and removing old imprints from the body and mind in the safest most profound way is totally possible. You can become free from your past; you can develop a true ability to stay centered and present in the most challenging moments, without being affected or shaken.
You can:
- become free of traumas
- stay centered and focused in difficult moments
- translate the spiritual experience, the insight of meditation into practical day-to-day behavior
- Not be triggered anymore by the external environment
- Be able to respond freshly and freely in every moment: be in the here and now
- handle other difficult moments without being afraid, without the need to suppress
- use difficult moments as an opportunity to growth & transformation
- remove any obstacles on your path to liberation

What other practitioners
and therapists are saying:
As a highly experienced therapist I can recommend the expansion for trauma healing techniques for both therapists and people in search for therapy. Therapists will find these techniques applicable for any kind of problem, and people who seek to undergo through therapy will get to experience their innermost authentic and powerful self deeply, in a way that would leave a very powerful impression as to who they really are and an easy way to connect to this place independently. This connection is the very thing that gives the power to this extraordinary method.
One of the things that make the Expansion a really special method is that it is able to release the energy which is locked in our patterns and traumas. And when enough energy gets released, we can overcome the gravitation of the contracted and surviving fields in which, we live our daily lives, expressed as anger, fear and frustration. When we become free from this gravitational force we can easily and naturally get established in free spaces of consciousness and feelings of happiness and non-causal joy, out of which life as a whole look different. I warmly recommend it.
I see great results in my work with people who suffer from shell shock (post-traumatic stress disorder) with the expansion for trauma healing techniques in combination with additional methods. Some time ago one patient told me: ‘it was worthwhile for me to go through this process so I can feel this resurrection.’
Trauma healing work is maybe the deepest healing process I know. After every single session I felt not only free from the trauma but also a deeper connection to life and I felt more able to flow with life as it happens. It is a beautiful work. In my own praxis I use the expansion for trauma healing more carefully than in the beginning. In my experience there are people, who need to go through different processes before I would offer them trauma healing work. But the aim would be to go with them that way.
I use the expansion method to help people transcend and touch higher levels of their being. One expansion process can equal ten other kinds of therapies. I especially love the expansion for trauma healing which has a deep healing dimension to it in cases of loss and deep sadness.
What does the expansion trauma
release training program look like?
There are 3 major modules of teaching that together form an in-depth understanding of the expansion principle, the theory around trauma release and the practical use of the expansion trauma release technique and an advanced capacity to put it to use.

First Module
Consists of 2 full days and focuses on the fundamentals of the expansion process.
The first seminar will include:
- Introduction to the psychological and spiritual theories of the expansion method.
- Learning how to work with negative and positive emotions.
- Learning the basic expansion techniques for expanding negative and positive emotions.
At the end of this module, you will be able to:
- Use the expansion techniques for negative and positive emotions on yourself and on others.
- Better understand your experience of negative emotions and have the tool to work with it daily.
Second Module
Consists of 2 full days and focuses on the fundamentals of the Expansion for Trauma healing – the victim version.
The second seminar will include:
- Learning the first level of power psychology (the psychological theory at the base of the expansion trauma work).
- Learning how to guide a trauma healing session.
- A demonstration of a trauma healing process.
- Intense couple work using the trauma technique.
At the end of this module, you will be able to:
- Work with the Expansion for Trauma healing (victim version) with others.
- Use the principles of power psychology on yourself and others.

Third Module
Consists of 2 full days and focuses on the fundamentals of the Expansion for Trauma healing – the Aggressor version
The third seminar will include:
- Learning the second level of power psychology (the psychological theory at the base of the expansion trauma work).
- Learning how to guide a trauma healing session – aggressor version
- A demonstration of a trauma healing process.
- Intense couple work using the trauma technique.
At the end of this module, you will be able to:
- Work with the Expansion for Trauma healing (aggressor version) with others.
- Use the basic expansion process as a daily empowering meditation by yourself.
- Guide trauma healing process with confidence and authority.
The full certification program
For those who are interested in the full certification program, the training will include a supervision time, during which the participant will guide 6 trauma sessions and write session reports.
Moreover each participant will need to go through an expansion-process of 6 sessions with one of our mentors (who are of course certified expansion instructors).
Once the student went through this process of 6 sessions, guided 6 trauma sessions and the reports are handed in the participant will be certified as a practitioner of the Expansion for Trauma healing.
During the supervision period, the participant would be able to have one free consultation with the training leader and will be able to send questions whenever necessary.
The certification process and the mentor-sessions are optional and require an additional payment of 419 €
Participants who are not interested in the full certification program will receive a certificate attesting to their participation in the program.

Your Expansion Method Instructor:
Tamar Brosh M.A.
Positive Psychology coaching & Trauma Healing

Tamar Brosh, M.A. is a positive psychology coach and a certified practitioner in the Expansion method and Power Psychology. She is an expert trauma healer and puts a great emphasis on spiritual development and self-empowerment. For the last 16 years, she has helped many people to break through obstacles and limiting patterns in her thriving clinics in Israel and Berlin. She mentors women and trains them to overcome the emotional body by combining the power of meditation and expansion with power psychology. Tamar also specialized in working with couples and was formerly a lawyer in Israel. She studies with Shai Tubali for the last twenty years and is an accomplished yogini.

Shai Tubali is a leading authority in the field of self-development and self-empowerment. In his writings and teachings, he skillfully combines psychology, philosophy, Yogic traditions and Eastern thought and practices, into powerful processes of inner transformation.
One of his most active methods of guidance are his numerous books, which have appeared internationally for the past two decades in five languages and have been published by major publishers. Shai Tubali’s writings and teachings, however, are far from confined to Eastern thought. With time, he has created a significant list of methods that mix meditation, therapy and self-empowerment into highly effective, integral processes. His most established methods – the “Expansion Method”, “Power Psychology”, and “Chakra Psychology” – have been applied by psychologists and psychotherapists throughout Europe. His surprising psychological insights have been recognized by psychologists and academics for both their originality and depth.
Training 2020
Dates & Conditions
The training will take place in Berlin at the following dates:
First module: 25th-26th of January 2020
Second module: 22nd-23rd of February 2020
Third module: 21st-22nd of March 2020
Chiro Yoga Center –
Drakestr. 42, 12205 Berlin
Telephone: +49 178 5175114
Become a certified practitioner in the Expansion Trauma healing techniques
Supervision period
The supervision period includes one free consultation with the training leader, the possibility to send questions whenever necessary and a process of receiving 6-expansion sessions from one of our mentors.
The certification program with the supervision period are optional and cost 419 €.
You can participate in the training also online. You will be allocated a partner for the practices so you can train in the techniques using Skype or Zoom.
You can participate in the full program and you can also attend one or two modules separately. However, if you are not familiar with the Expansion Method and have no previous experience, you need to participate in the first module before you can learn module 2-3.
If you wish to be a certified practitioner in the Expansion Trauma healing techniques, you have to go through all the three modules.
One Time Payment of 950 €
(early bird until 24-12-19, 1100 € full price)
Three payments of 325 €
(early bird until 24-12-19, afterwards it’s three payments of 370€)
You can participate in the full program and you can also attend one or two modules separately. However, if you are not familiar with the Expansion Method and have no previous experience, you need to participate in the first module before you can learn module 2-3.
More reviews and testimonials:
Being part of the first generation of practitioners of the Expansion Method and the trauma technique in Germany, I have used these techniques for about seven years now both for my personal process and in the work with my clients (over 200 sessions in total) and I have witnessed amazing, life changing results: massive transformational shifts, overcoming destructive, limiting thinking and behavioural patterns, creating emotional balance, chakra alignment and deep trauma release, just to name a few. While the method in itself is designed as a wonderful tool for spiritual liberation, it works fantastically also in the area of trauma healing, which ultimately is the fundament for all further evolutionary unfolding and reaching into heights of a blissful, joyful, nourished, creative self-expression. I know this method has the power and potential to outdate regular psychotherapy as it works super fast, holistically and efficiently and this is what we need so urgently in these current speedy shifting times. It is my heart’s vision to have the planet trauma-free in ten years and this method could be a major key tool reaching there. All that is needed is a lot of healers, psychologists and practitioners getting trained in it and applying it with their people. I would also love to see this method to be taught to teenagers in schools.
Tamar is more than an outstanding expert of trauma healing and her deep expertise, along with her brilliant, sharp eagle’s eye looking into the most vulnerable, fragile, unconscious, locked-away aspects of the patient’s psyche are incredibly precious gemstones to be obtained here. At the same time, her bold, spacious lioness heart is going to keep everyone safe and enveloped with warmth and compassion at all times of the process. Working with Tamar means your transformation is granted! Go for it!
After suffering from a sexual trauma that left painful imprints in me for years, I have decided to go through healing and was referred to Tamar. It has been six years since I was raped and it felt as if my life stood still since that traumatic event and I was locked in that moment without being able to escape. I was sceptic at first when Tamar told me it would only take one session to feel completely different, but after doing the expansion technique for trauma healing, I was healed. I was able to revisit that memory from a transcendent point of view and far larger presence and see it, however unpleasant it was, as just one more day in my life and nothing more. With Tamar’s great love and support, I was able to find my inner power and realize myself as an inseparable part of the eternal light.
Traumas can be life-changing events by limiting certain areas of our life. Untreated they can stay with us all our life. Often times we are not even fully aware of them. The specific Expansion-Technique for Trauma is a wonderful “all-in-one” approach to tackle all major aspects of traumata. A session is rather long and intense, but equally thorough. You will get to know the content of your trauma and by growing awareness you will be guided through a transformative shift of perception of whatever happened to you. This enables a kind of re-establishment of your state of being before the trauma situation. Thus, being an equally life-changing event again – just in a positive direction this time. I experienced Tamar an overly empathic, trustworthy and experienced guide in this process. Facing such traumas can be challenging enough. Having a really good guide becomes all the more important then.
As a Certified Expansion instructor who worked with dozens of people I can attest to the undeniable fact that the Expansion Method Trauma techniques are the real miracle and backbone of this method. Traumas are literally revisited in a safe space, understood in a liberating and transformative manner and become a source of power and growth rather than weakness and hindrance. I had the privilege to also work privately with Tamar. Her guidance is simply one of the best ones I know (and I’m a very picky and critical person). You can rest assured that with Tamar you’re in good hands and will get a full-package treatment.
Over the last ten years, I have tried many forms and techniques of trauma work and therapy to ultimately heal my early-childhood traumas and recurring past-life imprints. Probably with moderate success. However, working with Tamar Brosh and the Expansion technique allowed a more sustaining progress of healing in all of my systems within just a couple of months, which is the fastest I have ever experienced so far. For me personally, the Expansion technique is one of the greatest and simplest tools of dealing with trauma, unpleasant and limiting feelings and emotions, sensations of meaninglessness and many others. I feel a deep, deep humbleness towards this technique and the power of the Expansion as it enables each of us human beings to free ourselves from whatever is limiting us and directs us to become the best and strongest version of our innermost being on all levels – physically, mentally and spiritually.
Tamar Brosh has been a God-send and working with her has been an empowering and truly enlightening experience. I would highly recommend Tamar’s work to everybody wanting to break through old patterns and belief structures to pursue him/her authentic best self, to take charge of the unlimited capabilities of one’s being and to get in touch with his/her ultimate divine essence
Answers and questions
I don’t speak good English – will the course be also translated to German?
Yes, the course includes a simultaneous translation to German. All the techniques and practices in writing will be provided both in English and in German. You can also ask questions in German during and after the seminars and get an answer in German.
Do I need to have some previous experience in meditation or as a healer or a therapist?
There is absolutely no need for any previous experience both in meditation or in therapy/healing education. You will be provided with the knowledge that you need in order to successfully work with people on their traumas.
Are there more techniques one can learn in the framework of the expansion method?
Yes! The expansion method consists of many highly effective techniques one can work with clients on self-empowerment, healing and clarity (decision-making) and spiritual development. A full training program will be offered later this year.
When will I be able to start working with people using the expansion trauma healing technique?
The only way for you to be able to work with other people is to become a certified practitioner. This includes participating in all three modules and going through a supervision period during which you will be practicing the technique with different people and submit 6 session reports (you can also do it in German). Once you become certified you can work confidently with other people.
Would the expansion trauma healing technique work with any kind of trauma?
The expansion trauma healing technique is aimed to work only with conscious traumas – meaning painful events or memories of aggression that we clearly remember. For those who are interested to continue to the next level of certification in the expansion trauma healing for hidden memory technique, there will be an advanced training offered later on in the year.
Do I need to pay for the training in one payment or can I also pay in installments?
You can pay for the training in one payment and enjoy a discount but you can also pay in three payments if you choose.
Book your Training now
The training will take place in Berlin at the following dates:
First module: 25th-26th of January 2020 (330 €)
Second module: 22nd-23rd of February 2020 (385 €)
Third module: 21st-22nd of March 2020 (385 €)
Early-Bird-Price for the full training: 950 €