The essential foundation for your full flourishing

Healthy self-development requires a stable foundation.

Although it is very popular in spiritual circles to talk about transcendental states of consciousness, awakening, experiences of unity, etc., this is not necessarily helpful. In our work with the expansion method we will not go too early into very wide and spiritual states of consciousness.

Instead, we first make sure that we build a stable base, that there is a healthy self. And here the trauma work is essential. Once there is inner stability and security, satisfaction, joy and lightness, a healthy self-confidence, inner strength and presence – we have reached the first important step.

Many clients will not want to go any further. Because they already feel a healthy sense of self-autonomy. But if they want to, then a journey into inner freedom and the discovery of our true nature can begin here.

This video is an excerpt from the “Expansion Method – Trauma Release Certification Training 2019” with Tamar Brosh. The Expansion Method developed by Shai Tubali is a powerful and well-structured technique that allows as to guide people step-by-step into the experience of inner freedom, wholeness and completeness. They remember their whole and undamaged state. And out of this powerful experience of wholeness, traumas and negative memories can be released and integrated and a mindful and respectful way.

Learn more about our Trauma Release Training


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